Online Fashion Store With PHP MySQL

Online shopping website in PHP MySQL full source code with fully functional e-commerce website: Product category management, order management, customer information management, discount voucher management.... The outstanding advantage of this source code is that you can edit website data right in the admin page, in addition, there is a FAQS function to support customers, customize social networking links.

Source code bán hàng thời trang bằng PHP MYSQL

Source code bán hàng thời trang bằng PHP MYSQL

* How to install script on localhost:

  • Download and install a local web server such as AMPPS/XAMPP/WAMP to run our PHP scripts;
  • Download and extract the script and copy it to the web server directory;
  • Access phpMyAdmin to create a new database, then import file ecommerce.sql database;
  • Open file config.php (in directory admin\inc\config.php) to configuration database connection:
  • Site URL: http://localhost/project_name/
  • Admin panel URL: http://localhost/project_name/admin
  • Default login account:

😃 This source code is free and does not contain any ads. If you like it, you can buy me a cup coffee via PayPal:  --- Thanks !!

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