Featured categories module is a powerful module that allows you to display featured categories on your website for quick access by customers. In special, you can change the display interface and add beautiful icons for categories. The module is compatible with OpenCart 3.0.8, OpenCart 3.0.9 and easy installation.
Main features:
- Add icon for category from Icofont;
- Include 02 display style;
- No changes any in core opencart file system and easy install;
- Support responsive layout, mobile-friendly.
How to install extension
Recommend: Please backup source code and database before installing module.
- Step 1: Download mod_featured_category.ocmod module;
- Step 2: Log into admin panel, click the menu item "Extensions" -> "Installer" upload file "mod_featured_category.ocmod", please wait until Install Progress success;
- Step 3: Click the menu item "Extensions" -> "Modifications", select modification name "Featured Category" and click on the button "Refresh";
- Step 4: Click menu item "Extensions" -> "Extensions" - > Choose "Modules", install and configure module "Featured Category". Make sure to click the save Icon and module status must enabled;
How to add icon to category
- Get icon from icofont (http://icofont.com), copy only code class inside element "". Ex <i class="icofont-eye-open"></i> you just need to copy icofont-eye-open;
- Open Category (menu Catalog -> Categories), you can add new or edit category, right now paste code class icofont to Icon filled in tab Data ( see images below );
- Save category and finish;
* Tips
Module is already installed in Default Theme, if you use another theme, please copy mod_featured_category folder from Default Theme to Your Theme; Or please contact developer to support.