Source Code Web Game HTML5 & Flash

This is the source code that allows you to create a website that aggregates online games (HTML 5 and flash games) from many different sources for users to play, the outstanding features of this source code include:

  • Users can play games on the browser without downloading, register an account to save points, rate, add favorites, comments, share with friends.
  • Administrators (admin) can manage games (add, edit, delete), manage user accounts, configure information (keywords, seo, email), game statistics played a lot, playing time games…
  • Especially with the Tools Import function that helps admins quickly get data as well as update games from famous game sites such as,,, through one click. mouse without having to enter it manually.

* How to install (try on localhost)

  • Download source code
  • Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ create a new database (eg gamehtml5)
  • Open a web browser type URL : http://localhost/project_name/install/ to start the installation process
  • Check the configuration and declare the connection information, click Continue to go through the installation steps.
  • After successful installation, delete the install folder for security.
  • Log in to the management page with the following information:

        + Link admin panel: http://localhost/project_name/login/

        + Default login account: /  password

Note: The script is for reference only, if you use it, you must purchase the license.

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